
Jean-Pierre Sergent


Mayan Diary 1999-2002

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Mayan Diary 1999-2002 (New York)

In 1999 Jean-Pierre Sergent began, in his Long Island City, NY, studio's, a new huge series of works titled "Mayan Diary" (completed in 2010, and including 170 paintings). This series of works have been largely inspired to the artist by his numerous trips to Mexico and Guatemala countries. His technic is utilizing a palimpsest silkscreen art technique, appropriating, accumulating and layering images. The one of a kind paintings are 55''x55" of size framed, acrylic paint hand silkscreened on Plexiglas panels.
Sergent engages himself in themes of eroticism, shamanism, and the cosmology of the afterlife and chaos.

"Mayan Diary" have been exhibited as large wall installations of variable dimensions into galleries, art centers and museums in Europe and the US: In 2012, Mayan Diary, at the Musée des beaux-arts, Mulhouse, France, in 2012, Nature, Cultures, The Worlds Origin's, at the Ferme de Flagey, Musée Courbet, France etc..

This art works have been completed at the Long Island City (queens) artist's studio, were Jean-Pierre moved from Chelsea in 1995 and stayed until the end of 2003.