Jean-Pierre Sergent Artist's News (2016 - present)
This webpage is dedicated to Jean-Pierre Sergent's artistic actualities since 2016, as new artworks, exhibitions, new web pages, new interviews, new articles, new series of photos or videos etc...
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Filmed conférence of Jean-Pierre Sergent at the Charles de Bruyères Museum of Remiremont during the collectif exhibition "Charles de Bruyères invite 15 artists". Curator of the show Annie Tremsal, camera Michel Renard.
PART 1: Retracing his artistic path in France, Canada, USA. | 3. INITIATIC TRIPS | 4. SHAMANIC TRANCES.
A 200 contemporary artists exhibition at the 8th Biennal of Besançon
The Keller Gallery from Zurich is presenting some art works on paper of Jean-Pierre Sergent.
Series of eleven interviews between Jean-Pierre Sergent with his friend Michel Pétiard. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on May 8th 2109. Caméras : Christine Chatelet and Lionel Georges.
Series of eleven interviews between Jean-Pierre Sergent with his friend Michel Pétiard. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on May 8th 2109. Caméras : Christine Chatelet and Lionel Georges.
Series of eleven interviews between Jean-Pierre Sergent with his friend Michel Pétiard. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on May 8th 2109. Caméras : Christine Chatelet and Lionel Georges.
Series of eleven interviews between Jean-Pierre Sergent with his friend Michel Pétiard. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on May 8th 2109. Caméras : Christine Chatelet and Lionel Georges.
Series of eleven interviews between Jean-Pierre Sergent with his friend Michel Pétiard. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on May 8th 2109. Caméras : Christine Chatelet and Lionel Georges.
Series of eleven interviews between Jean-Pierre Sergent with his friend Michel Pétiard. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on May 8th 2109. Caméras : Christine Chatelet and Lionel Georges.
Series of eleven interviews between Jean-Pierre Sergent with his friend Michel Pétiard. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on May 8th 2109. Caméras : Christine Chatelet and Lionel Georges.
Series of eleven interviews between Jean-Pierre Sergent with his friend Michel Pétiard. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on May 8th 2109. Caméras : Christine Chatelet and Lionel Georges.
Series of eleven interviews between Jean-Pierre Sergent with his friend Michel Pétiard. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on May 8th 2109. Caméras : Christine Chatelet and Lionel Georges.
3nd PART: 'FIRST CULTURES' MP: I also read in your Influences that you were also marked by the work of Karl Gustave Jung; do you think that precisely, this need in you, that these Aztec cultures, these Aztec rituals allowed you to reveal, do you think that it corresponds to Jung's idea of this universal collective imaginary consciousness?
Series of eleven interviews between Jean-Pierre Sergent with his friend Michel Pétiard. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on May 8th 2109. Caméras : Christine Chatelet and Lionel Georges.
2nd PART : JPS: It's a false question! I still remember Black Elk (Black Elk Speaks), who was a great Sioux chief who came to London to tour with the Buffalo Bill Circus. He got sick, and he did this shamanic trance where he came back to his village where he saw his mother; so space no longer matters. Just like in shamanic trance, who cares? Whether it is vertical or horizontal, the important thing is to be connected.
Series of interviews between Jean-Pierre Sergent with his friend Michel Pétiard. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on May 8th 2109. Caméras : Christine Chatelet and Lionel Georges.
JPS: Sade is important, not only for his writings, but also for his incredible capacity for resilience and willingness to proclaim his thinking. Even when imprisoned and sentenced to death, he continued to write what he considered essential: the right to pleasure and the freedom to think and act. This is a great example for me and probably for many artists,
122 images presented by Jean-Pierre during his conference were he talked about: his artistic path: France, Canada, USA | Initiatory trips: Egypt, Mexico, shamanic trances | The structure & shapes of his paintings | About: “Ève, Adam & The Graffitis”, art print exhibited at the exhibition | Questions - Answers
- Retracing his artistic path: France, Canada, USA.
- Initiatory trips: Egypt, Mexico, shamanic trances.
- The structure & shapes of his paintings.
- About: “Ève, Adam & The Graffitis”, art print exhibited at the exhibition.
- Questions - Answers
Page dedicated to interviews written transcriptions in English from video filmed during the years 2017 & 2018. Impromptus Interviews (2018) and Endless Talks in the Studio (2017), between the artist Jean-Pierre Sergent and philosopher Marie-Madeleine Varet.
Pitch-art video showing some photos of the silkscreen frames used for the printing of the new "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Summer 2018.
Series of 233 new photos showing the artist completing the different steps of the silk-screening process in order to continue his new "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Summer 2018. Unique prints or editions of 5, acrylic hand silk-screened on yellow Wang Sketching paper 80g & white B.F.K. Rives paper, 250g, 10''x10''.
169 new photos showing the artist completing the different steps of the silk-screening process in order to continue his new "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series, Summer 2018.
Portraits by Christine Chatelet at the Besançon Studio on June 12, August 10 & 24 and October 22nd 2018.
Pitch-art video presenting a selection from the small works on paper series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances", acrylic hand silk-screened on White Rives BFK Paper 250g, 25,5 x 25,5 cm / 10''x10'', unique editions & limited editions of 5, Summer 2018.
(#362 - #483) - 121 new photos of the "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Acrylic hand silk-screened on White Rives BFK Paper 250g, 25,5 x 25,5 cm / 10''x10'', unique editions & limited editions of 5, Summer 2018.
Pitch-art video presenting a selection from the small works on paper series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances", acrylic hand silk-screened & Indian ink on Rives BFK 250g white paper, 25 x 25 cm. Unique prints, Summer 2018.
(#218 - #361) - 143 new photos of the "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Acrylic hand silk-screened & Indian ink on White Rives BFK Paper 250g, 25,5 x 25,5 cm / 10''x10'', unique editions Summer 2018.
Pitch-art video presenting a selection from the small works on paper series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances", acrylic hand silk-screened & Indian ink on Rives BFK 250g white paper, 25 x 25 cm. Unique prints, Summer 2018.
(#1 - #217) - New photos of the "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Acrylic hand silk-screened & Indian ink on White Rives BFK Paper 250g, 25,5 x 25,5 cm / 10''x10'', unique edition, Summer 2018.
Pitch-art video presenting a selection from the small works on paper series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances", acrylic hand silk-screened & Indian ink on Wang yellow 80g paper, 25 x 25 cm. Unique prints and editions of five. Printed in Summer 2018.
(#344-#481) - 137 new photos of the "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Acrylic hand silk-screened on yellow Wang Sketching 80g paper, 25,5 x 25,5 cm / 10''x10'', unique edition or edition of 5, Summer 2018.
(#238 - #343) - 105 new photos of the "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Acrylic hand silk-screened & Indian ink on yellow Wang Sketching 80g paper, 25,5 x 25,5 cm / 10''x10'', unique edition, Summer 2018.
Pitch-art video presenting a selection from the small works on paper series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances", acrylic hand silk-screened & Indian ink on Wang yellow 80g paper, 25 x 25 cm. Unique prints, Summer 2018.