
Jean-Pierre Sergent


Jean-Pierre Sergent Artist's News (2016 - present)

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This webpage is dedicated to Jean-Pierre Sergent's artistic actualities since 2016, as new artworks, exhibitions, new web pages, new interviews, new articles, new series of photos or videos etc...

Stay up-to-date about Sergent's exhibitions by .

Portrait-Video #123 | Artist Jean-Pierre Sergent screen-printing the "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes" series
New video
11 January 2023 | Duration : 3:28 | Besançon Artist Studio

Documentary film presenting artist Jean-Pierre Sergent silk-screening his new art prints series: "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes" (80 x 60 cm). Filmed by the artist on September 13 2022.

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Jean-Pierre Sergent, Polyphonies : Arts, Cultures & Civilizations published in Luxury Splash of Art
New article
10 January 2023 | London, England

Transcription in the English Art Magazine Luxury Splash of Art of the artist talk given by Jean-Pierre Sergent during his exhibition: Polyphonies : Arts, Cultures & Civilizations given at the Orangerie Gallery, in Sauvigney-les-Gray, France, May 15 2022. London December 1st 2022

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Portrait-Video #122 | Artist Jean-Pierre Sergent screen-printing the "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes" series
New video
10 January 2023 | Duration : 3:37 | Besançon Artist Studio

Documentary film presenting artist Jean-Pierre Sergent silk-screening his new art prints series: "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes" (80 x 60 cm). Filmed by the artist on September 11 2022.

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Portrait-Video #121, Artist Jean-Pierre Sergent screen-printing the "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes" series
New video
09 January 2023 | Duration : 3:30 | Besançon Artist Studio

Documentary film presenting artist Jean-Pierre Sergent silk-screening his new art prints series: "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes" (80 x 60 cm). Filmed by the artist on September 08 2022.

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Portrait-Video #120, ArtistJean-Pierre Sergent working on the frames of the "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes" series
New video
08 January 2023 | Duration : 3:34 | Besançon Artist Studio

Documentary film showing the artist blocking the small pinholes on the silk-screen frames of the new series: "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes" (80 x 60 cm). Filmed by the artist on September 08 2022.

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Jean-Pierre Sergent, Portrait-Video #119 | Artist exposing the screen of the "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes" series
New video
07 January 2023 | Duration : 4:18 | Besançon Artist Studio

Documentary film presenting the artist Jean-Pierre Sergent drawing with Indian ink on positive films the images of his new series: "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes". Filmed by the artist on September 2 2022.

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Portrait-Video #118 | The artist draws on films of the"Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes" #2
New video
07 January 2023 | Duration : 3:40 | Besançon Artist Studio

Second version of the documentary film presenting the artist Jean-Pierre Sergent drawing with Indian ink on positive films the images of his new series: "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes". Filmed by the artist on July 30, 2022.

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Transcript of the interview of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent with Nicolas Surlapierre, director of Besançon Fine Arts & Archeology Museum, June 30 2023
New text
23 December 2022 | Besançon Fine Arts & Archeology Museum

The artist talks with Nicolas Surlapierre, Director of the Museum, about his mural installation: "The Four Pillars of Heaven" (80 m2) at the Museum of Fine Arts and Archaeology in Besançon on June 30 2023.

Nicolas Surlapierre: Jean-Pierre, I am quite happy that we are resuming these interviews, we did not do it some time ago, I would say almost two years ago. We were in the conference room of the Museum where we had presented a series of small, beautiful and erotic serigraphs. We had a discussion that lasted an hour and a half or two hours, I don't remember. And some time later, I had observed the videos and had found, how many elements that were said to me, directly, had escaped me...

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Transcrition of the interview between Karine Bertrand & Jean-Pierre Sergent "Erotic Art of JPS"
New text
06 December 2022 | Besançon Artist Studio

PART 1/5

Karine Bertrand: Hello Jean-Pierre.

Jean-Pierre Sergent: Hello Karine.

KB: I am delighted to be here and thank you for your invitation.

JPS: You're more than welcome! 

KB: So, we're going to share this little moment together, so you invited me for my skills as a sexologist?

JPS: Yes, but not only that, I think you really appreciate my work... And so it was an idea to have a little exchange like that, a little informal, to discuss a little bit about my work and about life in general.

KB: So I'm delighted to be able to talk about your work and to give you my opinion as a sexologist, but also on the intimate (personal) view, your work really appealed to me; as you know, I really like your work. I was very touched by this work the first time I saw it. I am even more delighted to exchange with you. So, why was I touched by this work? 

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Jean-Pierre Sergent, texte Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes
New text
04 December 2022 | Besançon Artist Studio

Artist text statement's of the new series Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes 2022 :


"What light outside of life? Is it in or out of this mass of images? [...]
Transcendence demands - your fear of being torn apart."

The Art must smell the sperm and sulfur or both at the same time! Otherwise, it is only fragmentary and demonstrative representation of emotional and sentimental memories of times gone by and lost forever. 
The Art is the present. In the same way as our erotic dreams which reintegrate us, sometimes well in spite of us, in the incommensurable encompassing matrix of the Living. In the great mechanism: sex-life-birth-death: construction versus destruction...

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Portraits of the artist at work on the series "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes" by Christine Chatelet
New photos
11 November 2022 | Besançon Artist Studio

Series of 34 Portraits-Photos taken by photographer Christine Chatelet showing the artist silk-screening the images of her new series of prints on paper: "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes", on October 10, 2022.

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Portraits of the artist signing the new "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes" series by Lionel Georges
New photos
11 November 2022 | Besançon Artist Studio

Series of 21 Portraits-Photos taken by photographer Lionel Georges showing the artist signing the silk-screened works of his new series of prints on paper: "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes", October 10, 2022.

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Photos of the shooting of the interview between Karine Bertrand & Jean-Pierre Sergent
New photos
11 November 2022 | Besançon Artist Studio

Series of 45 photos taken during the interview between Jean-Pierre Sergent & Karine Bertrand (sexologist), at the workshop on October 28, 2022. Cameras : Lionel Georges and photos by Christine Chatelet .

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Jean-Pierre Sergent, Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes | Rives BFK Paper | 2022
New webpage
07 November 2022 | Besançon Artist Studio

Photos of the new series "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes", acrylic hand silk-screened and Indian ink on Rives BFK 250g paper, unique prints, 76 x 56 cm. Silk-screened during Summer and Fall 2022.

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Jean-Pierre Sergent, new series Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes
New webpage
07 November 2022 | Besançon Artist Studio

Photos of the new series "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes", acrylic hand silk-screened and Indian ink on yellow Wang Sketching 80g paper, unique prints, 80 x 60 cm. Silk-screened during Summer and Fall 2022.

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Interview Jean-Pierre Sergent & Karine Bertrand | 5/5
New video
06 November 2022 | Duration : 7:25 | Besançon Artist Studio

Jean-Pierre Sergent and Karine Bertrand are exchanging about the erotic works of JPS. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on October 28 2022. Cameras: Lionel Georges and Christine Chatelet.

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Interview Jean-Pierre Sergent & Karine Bertrand | 3/5
New video
05 November 2022 | Duration : 7:25 | Besançon Artist Studio

Jean-Pierre Sergent and Karine Bertrand are exchanging about the erotic works of JPS. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on October 28 2022. Cameras: Lionel Georges and Christine Chatelet. 

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Interview Jean-Pierre Sergent & Karine Bertrand | 4/5
New video
04 November 2022 | Duration : 9:50 | Besançon Artist Studio

Jean-Pierre Sergent and Karine Bertrand are exchanging about the erotic works of JPS. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on October 28 2022. Cameras: Lionel Georges and Christine Chatelet.

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Interview Jean-Pierre Sergent & Karine Bertrand | 2/5
New video
04 November 2022 | Duration : 4:57 | Besançon Artist Studio

Jean-Pierre Sergent and Karine Bertrand are exchanging about the erotic works of JPS. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on October 28 2022. Cameras: Lionel Georges and Christine Chatelet.

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Interview Jean-Pierre Sergent & Karine Bertrand | 1/5
New video
03 November 2022 | Duration : 6:19 | Besançon Artist Studio

Jean-Pierre Sergent and Karine Bertrand are exchanging about the erotic works of JPS. Filmed at the Besançon Studio on October 28 2022. Cameras: Lionel Georges and Christine Chatelet

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Jean-Pierre Sergent, At work on the Bones, Ropes & Flowers series II #3 (silk-screening the images)
New photos
06 October 2022 | Besançon Artist Studio

Series of 70 photos showing a working silk-screening cession of Jean-Pierre Sergent during the summer of 2022 in his Besançon Studio's, for the realization of the new series: "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes". Acrylic hand silk-screened and Indian ink printed on yellow Wang Sketching 80g & Rives B.F.K. white 250g papers, size 80 x 60 cm, unique prints.

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Jean-Pierre sergent, At work on the Bones, Ropes & Flowers series #2
New photos
06 October 2022 | Besançon Artist Studio

Series of 34 B&W photos showing Jean-Pierre Sergent working during the summer of 2022 on the various stages of exposing the silkscreen frames, in his Besançon Studio's, for the realization of the series: "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes". Acrylic hand silk-screened and Indian ink printed on yellow Wang Sketching 80g & Rives B.F.K. white 250g papers, size 80 x 60 cm, unique prints.

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Portraits of the artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work on the Bones, Ropes & Flowers II series by Christine Chatelet #3
New photos
06 October 2022 | Besançon Artist Studio

Series of 70 B&W Portraits-Photos taken by photographer Christine Chatelet showing the artist exposing and developing his silkscreen frames of the images of his new "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes" prints on paper series, September 27 2022.

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Jean-Pierre Sergent, Portraits of the artist at work on the Bones, Ropes & Flowers II series by Christine Chatelet
New photos
24 September 2022 | Besançon Artist Studio

2 Series of 34 & 49 Portraits-Photos taken by photographer Christine Chatelet showing the artist exposing and developing his silkscreen frames of the images of his new "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes" prints on paper series, September 2 & 14 2022.

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Jean-Pierre Sergent Portraits of the artist at work on the Bones, Ropes & Flowers II series by Lionel Georges
New photos
24 September 2022 | Besançon Artist Studio

Series of 34 Portraits-Photos taken by photographer Lionel Georges showing the artist silk-screening the images of his new "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes" small prints on paper series, September 12th 2022

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Portraits of the artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work on the Bones, Ropes & Flowers II series
New webpage
15 September 2022 | Besançon Artist Studio

Series of Portrait-Photos taken by professional photographers showing the artist working through the various stages of the silkscreen process to produce his new series: "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes", Summer and Fall 2022. Photos by Christine Chatelet and Lionel Georges.

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Jean-Pierre sergent at WOPART 2022 (Work on Paper Art Fair) OF LUGANO
New exhibition
| Centro Esposizioni | Lugano | Switzerland | Booth Keller Gallery | 23 - 25 September 2022

JPS is going to present, with the Keller Gallery from Zurich, one large painting on Plexiglas from the Mayan Diary series (1,05 x 1,05 m, 2010) and twelve small unique prints from his current Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances series (38 x 38 cm, 2017 - 2020).
23, 24, 25 September, 11 am to 8 pm | Day ticket: 15 CHF
WOPART: | | +41 (0)765872382 | GALERIE KELLER: Heidi Suter | | | + 41(0)79 329 58 56

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Artist Jean-Pierre Sergent At work on the Bones, Ropes & Flowers series (Summer 2022)
New photos
13 August 2022 | Summer 2022 | Besançon Artist Studio

Series of photos showing Jean-Pierre Sergent working during the summer of 2022 on the various stages of the artistic process, in his studio in Besançon, for the realization of the series: Bones, Ropes & Flowers. Acrylic hand silk-screened and Indian ink printed on yellow Wang Sketching 80g & Rives B.F.K. white 250g papers, size 80 x 60 cm. Unique prints.

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Portrait-Video #117 | The artist Jean-Pierre Sergent draws on films of the Bones, Ropes & Flowers series
New video
11 August 2022 | Duration : 8:28 | Besançon Artist Studio

Documentary film presenting Jean-Pierre Sergent drawing with Indian ink on positive films the images of his new series: "Karma-Kali, Sexual Dreams & Paradoxes". Filmed by the artist on July 29, 2022.

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New text
03 August 2022 | Besançon Studio | France

    "Let us have contempt of any subjection,
    We, the sons of the vast universe, [...]
    Lords of the world, will go as we please
    Wherever we please, free of all control."1

I am writing this text at the end of July, beginning of August 2022, after having read the very beautiful novel Bartleby by Herman Melville, with the powerful afterword by Gilles Deleuze (about which it would be interesting to write also a small text). This reading strongly moved me and touched my deepest self and destabilized me. Perhaps, without a doubt, because of the beauty of the character, this Bartleby, refusing the world and who goes away, towards his death, without saying anything, without eating, without a complaint...

1  The Encatadas, The Barrington Island & the Buccaneers, Herman Melville

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