Jean-Pierre Sergent Artist's News (2016 - present)
This webpage is dedicated to Jean-Pierre Sergent's artistic actualities since 2016, as new artworks, exhibitions, new web pages, new interviews, new articles, new series of photos or videos etc...
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Video-Portrait presenting Jean-Pierre Sergent screen-printing his new "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Filmed by the artist on November 9th 2020.
Pitch-Art video showing a working session of the artist Jean-Pierre Sergent screen printing works on yellow Wang Sketching 80g or white B.F.K. Rives 250g papers (25 x 25 cm), for his new "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Filmed by the artist on November 7th 2020.
Video-Portrait presenting Jean-Pierre Sergent screen-printing his new "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Filmed by the artist on November 7th 2020.
Pitch-Art video showing a working session of the artist Jean-Pierre Sergent screen printing works on yellow Wang Sketching 80g or white B.F.K. Rives 250g papers (25 x 25 cm), for his new "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Filmed by the artist on November 6th 2020.
Video-Portrait presenting Jean-Pierre Sergent screen-printing his new "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Filmed by the artist on October 31st 2020.
Pitch-art video showing a working session of the artist Jean-Pierre Sergent screen printing works on yellow Wang Sketching 80g or white B.F.K. Rives 250g papers (25 x 25 cm), for his new "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Filmed by the artist on October 31st 2020.
Video-Portrait presenting Jean-Pierre Sergent screen-printing his new "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Filmed by the artist on October 31st 2020
Pitch-Art video showing a working session of the artist Jean-Pierre Sergent screen printing works on yellow Wang Sketching 80g or white B.F.K. Rives 250g papers (25 x 25 cm), for his new "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Filmed by the artist on October 22nd 2020.
Video-Portrait presenting Jean-Pierre Sergent screen-printing his new "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Filmed by the artist on October 27th 2020.
Pitch-art video showing a working session of the artist Jean-Pierre Sergent screen printing works on yellow Wang Sketching 80g or white B.F.K. Rives 250g papers (25 x 25 cm), for his new "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Filmed by the artist on October 25th 2020.
Video-portrait presenting Jean-Pierre Sergent screen-printing his new "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Filmed by the artist on October 25th 2020.
Video-portrait presenting Jean-Pierre Sergent blocking the small pinholes on the screens for printing his new series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Filmed by the artist on September 30, 2020.
Documentary film showing the artist exposing his silk-screen frames of the "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Filmed by Lionel Georges on September 8th 2020.
Presentation of Jean-Pierre Sergent's work by Rémi Lombardot for his blog De Artibus Sequanis: "My work presents the latest traces of the opposition struggles between traditional multicultural societies and our monocultural global society, as well as the latest confrontations between nomadic tribes and sedentary civilizations. Money, sex, barbarity and pornography values the immediacy of our deritualized and desacralized daily life in frontal opposition to the wisdom, spirituality, beauty, humanity, patience, cosmic time, social-cultural patterns of traditional societies. The main confrontation being the relationship of the physical body with its slow and deep rhythms with the accelerated time due to the speed of information transmission and the destructive frenzy of the desire to accumulate, produce and consume, never reached before in our history."
Radio campus Besançon sets up its studios in the conference room of the MBAA for this special broadcast in partnership with the mobile art center concerning the exhibition: "The 4 Pillars of the Sky". With : Around the table : J-P Sergent, painter, Nicolas Bousquet, responsible for the cultural development of the Museum and Louis Ucciani, Director of the Mobile Art Center and Senior Lecturer at the University of Franche-Comté. Students of the LP METI, Chloé Truchon, Alexie le Coroller and Amélie Pérardot. Filmed by the artist on September 10, 2020.
I glean and retrieve quotes and short sentences from artists, writers and philosophers appearing daily on my Twitter Home Page. They are a bit like in Ella Maillart's Snippets of Wisdom, who said in her beautiful book: "Europe is still going in the wrong direction. Our civilization based on money is worthless. It's not money that counts, it's the spirit. Money kills the spirit." These are fragments of thoughts, little fireflies lighting our drifting humanity and warming our hearts, as in that simple phrase uttered by Ichi: "Anyone deprived of warmth ends up freezing to death." Excerpt from the film: Ichi, The Samurai Woman by Fumihiko Sori. Read more...
In this last part, they discuss the current works: the Shakti*-Yoni, Ecstatic Cosmic Danses series (2016-2020) : *Shakti is in Hinduism the divine feminine energy, and the consort of Shiva. "She is the goddess to the absolute, of which all the feminine deities are only aspects", according to Alexandra David-Néel. And JPS concludes on with this sentence of the film Ichi, The Blind Samurai Woman by Fumihiko Sori: "All beings deprived of heat end up dying of cold"...
In this second part, the artist talks about the first series of New York works on Plexiglas and on paper with an essentially erotic content: Dionysus, perpetual orgy or the organs of life (1998), Duality (1999) and The dream of the imprisoned man - inspired by a Marquis de Sade text (1998-2002)...
In this first part, they evoke the development of the structure of the monumental works (around the square and the void) of wall paintings on Plexiglas, including the installation: "The 4 Pillars of the Sky" currently exhibited at the MBAA...
Thierry Savatier evokes the works of erotic arts by Picasso, L'Etreinte (1969) and Raphael et la Fornarina (1968) through Thérèse rêvant (1938) by Balthus, Dirty Corner (2015) by Anish Kapoor etc. To finish with the series with the Entropic Suites n°22 & 26 (2011-2015) by Jean-Pierre Sergent etc.
Thierry Savatier evokes works of erotic art from the Renaissance: The Vulva (16th) by Leonardo da Vinci (16th), Lucas Cranach, La Nymphe à la source (1537) until the 19th century with the works of Jean-Baptiste Clésinger: La Femme piquée par un serpent, (1847) Le Sommeil (1866) and L'Origine du monde (1866) by Gustave Courbet etc.
Thierry Savatier evokes works of erotic art from Prehistory (Venus of Willendorf (22.000 B.C.), the Scene of the well of Lascaux (18.000. B.C.) until the Renaissance with The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli (1484) and The Three Graces by Raphael (1504) etc.
Published by the MBAA (graphic designer Thierry Saillard) with texts by Nicolas Surlapierre (director of the Beesançon center's museum): "Pushing screams" and "Insider beds", Thierry Savatier (art historian): "The four pillars of the sky", Marie-Madeleine Varet (philosopher) : "Metaphor and metamorphosis", Pierre Bongiovanni (curator): "Journey to the end of man's possible: the question of eroticism and ecstasy in the painted work of Jean-Pierre Sergent", Florence Andoka (journalist): "One way or another". This catalog is available at the bookstore on the first floor of the museum (price 10€).
3:00 pm : Thierry Savatier, art historian & specialist of Gustave Courbet : Erotic Art
4.00 pm : Discussion with Jean-Pierre Sergent : Eros Unlimited II
6:00 pm: Signing of Thierry Savatier's books: Picasso, this never-extinct volcano, by Roland Dumas and Thierry Savatier and The Origin of the World, The History of a Painting by Gustave Courbet as well as the JPS exhibition catalog at the museum store.
To listen again to the beautiful Radio Campus program by Aurélien Bertini with : Jean-Pierre Sergent, Nicolas Bousquet and Louis Ucciani at the Museum of Fine Arts and Archaeology of Besançon, September 10th 2020 from 7 to 8 pm. Editing the video interview is in progress and will be available soon.
J-P Sergent discusses with N. Surlapierre about his current mural installation: The Four Pillars of the Sky (80 m2) at the MBAA, as well as excerpts from texts by Antonin Artaud from the book Le théâtre et son double. With: Nicolas Surlapierre, director of the museums of the Besançon Centre, Nicolas Bousquet, head of the cultural development, coordination and proofreading, Lionel Georges & Christine Chatelet, camera, Romain Monaci, transcription, Fabien Paillot, logistical assistance.
J-P Sergent discusses with N. Surlapierre about his current mural installation: The Four Pillars of the Sky (80 m2) at the MBAA, as well as about about twenty images from different cultures (Mexican, Japanese, Oceanian etc.) chosen by the artist. With: Nicolas Surlapierre, director of the museums of the Besançon Centre, Nicolas Bousquet, head of the cultural development, coordination and proofreading, Lionel Georges & Christine Chatelet, camera, Romain Monaci, transcription, Fabien Paillot, logistical assistance.
J-P Sergent discusses with N. Surlapierre about his current mural installation: Les quatre piliers du ciel (80 m2) at the MBAA, as well as about about twenty images from different cultures (Mexican, Japanese, Oceanian etc.) chosen by the artist. With: Nicolas Surlapierre, director of the museums of the Besançon Centre, Nicolas Bousquet, head of the cultural development, coordination and proofreading, Lionel Georges & Christine Chatelet, camera, Romain Monaci, transcription, Fabien Paillot, logistical assistance.
J-P Sergent discusses with N. Surlapierre about his current mural installation: The Four Pillars of the Sky (80 m2) at the MBAA, as well as about about twenty images from different cultures (Mexican, Japanese, Oceanian etc.) chosen by the artist. With: Nicolas Surlapierre, director of the museums of the Besançon Centre, Nicolas Bousquet, head of the cultural development, coordination and proofreading, Lionel Georges & Christine Chatelet, camera, Romain Monaci, transcription, Fabien Paillot, logistical assistance.