Jean-Pierre Sergent Artist's News (2016 - present)
This webpage is dedicated to Jean-Pierre Sergent's artistic actualities since 2016, as new artworks, exhibitions, new web pages, new interviews, new articles, new series of photos or videos etc...
Stay up-to-date about Sergent's exhibitions by .
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Summer 2017.
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Summer 2017.
Article written in Chinese by Xiwen Yang about Jean-Pierre Sergent biography for the Contemporary Art Gallery: 50 PLUS CONTEMPORARY ART STUDIO
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Summer 2017.
25 photos of the "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Acrylic hand silkscreened & Indian ink on yellow Wang Sketching paper 80g & white or cream B.F.K. Rives paper, 280g, 25,5 x 25,5 cm / 10''x10''.
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Summer 2017.
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Summer 2017.
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Summer 2017.
Jean-Pierre Sergent is talking with his journalist friend's Hector Lagos about the meaning and developpement of his art and also about his artistic path and travels.
Documentary film presenting the artist studio's, with the main room where he his silk-screening and exhibiting his large mural installation of paintings on Plexiglas.The second room, where he his reclaiming and exposing the silkscreen frames and stoking his works on paper. The garage, where he is storing his artworks.
OPENING > Thursday, July 06 6 to 8 pm
CLOSING RECEPTION > Saturday, August 12 at 4 pm
> With: Jean-Pierre Sergent, Walter Stolz, Levin Bräu, Lukas Baumberger, Paul Weixler, Rolf Leimgruber
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Spring 2017
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Spring 2017
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Spring 2017
60 new photos showing the artist Jean-Pierre Sergent working on adjusting and taping two films together on the light-box table in order to continue the series of the "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances".
Film documentaire montrant Jean-Pierre Sergent imprimant les images de sa série "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" sur du papier Rives BFK (25 x 25 cm), dans son atelier de Besançon. Printemps 2017.
Photos showing the artist completing the different steps of the silkscreening process in order to continue his series of the Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances, begun in Fall 2016.
Monotypes or editions of 5, acrylic hand silkscreened on yellow Wang Sketching paper 80g & white or cream B.F.K. Rives paper, 280g, 25,5 x 25,5 cm / 10''x10''.
30 photos taken during a Spring walk at the Saut du Doubs location in France.
“There is here on Earth some really peaceful and beautiful moments.”
“Word joys are ours only nourishment. The last drop of it make us survivors."
In Les vraies richesses, Jean Giono
Pitch-art video presenting a selection of fifty artworks realized from 1984 to 2016 in France, Canada and the USA, showing the successive evolution of the shapes and structures of my paintings during that time.
Pitch-art video presenting the Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances series. Acrylic hand silkscreened on yellow Wang Sketching paper 80g & white or cream B.F.K. Rives paper, 280g, 25,5 x 25,5 cm / 10''x10'', 2016
Pitch-art video presenting the Bones & Flowers series, monoprints, acrylic hand silkscreened on B.F.K. Rives paper, 70 x 56 cm Rives B.F.K., 70 x 56 cm.
Pitch-art video presenting the new Bones, Flowers & Ropes series, acrylic hand silkscreened on yellow Wang Sketching Paper 80g, 80 x 60 cm.
Documentary film showing Jean-Pierre Sergent silkscreening the images on small papers in his Besançon studio's for his new series of work on paper: Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances. Filmed by Christine Chatelet.
Documentary film showing Jean-Pierre Sergent adjusting and taping two films together on the light-box table for his new series of works of silkscreen on paper: Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances. Filmed by Christine Chatelet.
Documentary film showing Jean-Pierre Sergent cutting in, with a trimmer, some sheets of BFK Rives paper into 25 x 25 cm size, for his series of works of silkscreen on paper: Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances. Filmed by Christine Chatelet.
112 Photos showing the artist adjusting and taping two films together on the light-box table and cutting off small sheets of papers (25 x 25 cm), in order to complete his new Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances series, November 2016.
189 Photos taken during walks into the Jura Mountains in Pont d'Héry and Morteau (France) and at La Vue des Alpes (Switzerland). Winter 2016/2017
Hall 8, Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center
Public Days
2016.11.26 |10:00-18:00
2016.11.27 |10:00-18:00
2016.11.28 |10:00-16:00 / Tickets & informations
展览统筹 Exhibition Cordinator /杨习文 Yang Xiwen
Gallery :台湾一五一十当代艺术空间 50Plus Contemporary Art Studio (Taiwan)
63 photos of the Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances series. Acrylic hand silkscreened on yellow Wang Sketching paper 80g & white or cream B.F.K. Rives paper, 280g, 25,5 x 25,5 cm / 10''x10''.