Jean-Pierre Sergent Artist's News (2016 - present)
This webpage is dedicated to Jean-Pierre Sergent's artistic actualities since 2016, as new artworks, exhibitions, new web pages, new interviews, new articles, new series of photos or videos etc...
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Art-pitch video showing Jean-Pierre Sergent working on his new "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series (Summer 2017).
Photos by Christine Chatelet
70 new photos into the page "Water, Rocks, Trees & Skies", Fall 2017
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". September 5th 2017.
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". September 2nd 2017.
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". September 1st 2017.
Hanging up the art works with assistants : Jean-François Delamain, François Burnel, Guillaume Jacquinot, Christine Chatelet. Photos by Christine Chatelet.
Jean-Pierre Sergent is interviewed by Annabelle Mathieu, for the Zap Culture emission of Radio Sud Besançon. The artist talks about his silk-screening technic, his artworks and his trips in Mexico as well as his stay in New York. He is presenting also his new exhibition at the Besançon Biennale.
Jean-Pierre Sergent & Mélanie Abot (Director of Pépinière Culturelle Association of Besançon), are talking about women sexuality and pleasure as well as their bodies representations into Sergent's works and throughout Human history. Filmed par Christine Chatelet.
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". August 30th 2017.
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". August 20th 2017.
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". August 18th 2017.
Photos showing the artist completing the different steps of the silkscreening process in order to continue his series of the Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances.
Photos by Lionel Georges (August 18th 2017) & Christine Chatelet (2 & 16 June, 17 July, 2 & 24 August, 6 & 19 September 2017)
80 new photos into the page "Water, Rocks, Trees & Skies", Spring-Summer 2017
"There is lifeblood in the world: this is the secret!"
In Le serpent d'étoiles, Jean Giono
At Jean-Pierre Sergent’s workshop, work it´s an art form for itself. He is protagonist of a living picture- or living artwork. A work that is a story about other works...
New article by Brigitte Camus Auteure, art critic in Paris, in Medium
Les premiers acheteurs des artistes sont les autres artistes. Ces derniers échangent également beaucoup entre eux. Logique. Qui mieux qu’un autre artiste peut comprendre la somme d’énergie et de travail nécessaires pour vivre de son activité artistique...
93 photos of the "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances" series. Acrylic hand silkscreened & Indian ink on yellow Wang Sketching paper 80g & white or cream B.F.K. Rives paper, 280g, 25,5 x 25,5 cm / 10''x10''.
130 new photos showing the artist silk-screening his new series of the "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Photos taken by Christine Chatelet, August 2nd 2017.
Obras que se revelan a cada paso de un proceso mágico de impresión y estampado en acrílico. Capas de color que dan vida a diferentes mandalas. Ventanas que difuminan la luz y nos permiten ver el interior del taller de Jean-Pierre Sergent.
70 new photos from canoe trips over the Doubs River in the page "Water, Rocks, Trees & Skies", Spring-Summer 2017
“The Man who is dreaming is a God, the one who is thinking is just a beggar.”
In Hypérion, Hölderlin
50 new photos showing the artist completing the different steps of the silkscreening process in order to continue his series of the Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances. Photos taken by Christine Chatelet, August 24th.
Monotypes or editions of 5, acrylic hand silkscreened on yellow Wang Sketching paper 80g & white B.F.K. Rives paper, 280g, 25,5 x 25,5 cm / 10''x10''.
190 new photos showing the artist completing the different steps of the silkscreening process in order to continue his series of the Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances. July & August 2017.
Monotypes or editions of 5, acrylic hand silkscreened on yellow Wang Sketching paper 80g & white or cream B.F.K. Rives paper, 280g, 25,5 x 25,5 cm / 10''x10''.
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Summer 2017.
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Summer 2017.
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Summer 2017.
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Summer 2017.
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Summer 2017.
140 artists living in Franche-Comté are exhibiting their artwork at the 8th Biennal of Besançon
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Summer 2017.
Documentary film showing a working session at the Besançon studio, where the artist is screen printing works on Rives BFK paper in order to continue the series "Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances". Summer 2017.
138 new photos showing the artist completing the different steps of the silkscreening process in order to continue his series of the Shakti-Yoni: Ecstatic Cosmic Dances. Most photos are taken by Christine Chatelet, July 2017.
Monotypes or editions of 5, acrylic hand silkscreened on yellow Wang Sketching paper 80g & white or cream B.F.K. Rives paper, 280g, 25,5 x 25,5 cm / 10''x10''.